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Jeremy L

Joined Jul 2023 · He/Him

Upcoming Sessions

5 Series

Get Ready for AP® Computer Science Principles

    13th session
This series is intended as a preview for anyone planning on taking AP® Computer Science Principles next year. No prior computing knowledge is expected, but a background in Algebra I/Integrated Math I is expected and needed. We will be going over every major topic assessed on the exam.

This is going to be sort of an "enrichment" class, not in the way SHW has their encrichment subworld, but as something that gives you an opportunity to explore the topic of computing before actually being enrolled in one.

Jeremy L and Hubery P


9th Grade Reading

    11th session
Each week, we will go over reading skills that you are expected to have developed by the end of your 9th grade English class. The skills we be taught at an honors level, but at the pacing of a regular class.

We will be using both nonfiction and fiction pieces of literature equally as much.

Jeremy L and Alina J


High School United States History

    36th session
This series is composed of all the topics typically taught in both a U.S History I and II. So, we are going to be covering the entirety of the history of the United States, form 1491 to the present.

We will be covering the following periods:
--US History I--
1: World Collisions (1491-1607)
2: The Colonial Americas (1607-1754)
3: Roadmap to Revolution (1754-1800)
4: The Early Republic (1800-48)
5: The Civil War Era: Pre-Reconstruction (1844-65)

--US History II--
5.5: The Civil War Era: Reconstruction (1865-77)
6: The Gilded Age (1865-98)
7: Rise to World Power (1890-1945)
8: The Postwar Era (1945-80)
9: The Modern Era (1980-2024)

Jeremy L


AP Computer Science A Exam Only (2024-25)

This series is still appropriate for students taking an actual AP Computer Science A course, but will assume you are not taking an actual course

Thinking of taking the AP exam next year and don't want to/can't take the course? You've found the perfect series!

This series will be treated as close to a formal class as possible; the only difference being that it follows a mastery learning method (meaning that it allows ALL students to be caught up with everyone else at once) as opposed to taditional learning (where everyone must follow the same pace as everyone else). This means that several quizzes and tests will be assigned throughout the series. And in order to execute this idea of a formal yet mastery learning class, I will only allow us to advance to next concepts if everyone scores a 90% or higher on these assessments to make the series as easy sailing as possible.

Self-studying for an AP exam requires a lot discipline, and so you are expected to be prepared to attend the 5 sessions a week (45 minutes each session), although it's fully expected that you'll miss a few sessions here and there.

Because of this mastery learning method, you will be withdrawn if you still cannot score over a 90% on an assessment assigned over a week ago. If this does happen, i might make another series dedicated to those who've been withdrawn from the series so that you can catchup on your own pace without the guilt of slowing everyone else down.

I can always schedule a Catchup/Office hours session by request if you were absent for a session/need extra help with a topic.

Jeremy L


AP® Calculus AB Exam Only (2024-25 Year)

This series is still appropriate for students taking an actual AP Calculus AB course, but will assume you are not taking an actual course

Thinking of taking the AP exam next year and don't want to/can't take the course? You've found the perfect series!

This series will be treated as close to a formal class as possible; the only difference being that it follows a mastery learning method (meaning that it allows ALL students to be caught up with everyone else at once) as opposed to traditional learning (where everyone must follow the same pace as everyone else). This means that several quizzes and tests will be assigned throughout the series. And in order to execute this idea of a formal yet mastery learning class, I will only allow us to advance to next concepts if everyone scores a 90% or higher on these assessments to make the series as easy sailing as possible.

Self-studying for an AP exam requires a lot discipline, and so you are expected to be prepared to attend the 5 sessions a week (45 minutes each session), although it's fully expected that you'll miss a few sessions here and there.

Because of this mastery learning method, you will be withdrawn if you still cannot score over a 90% on an assessment assigned over a week ago. If this does happen, i might make another series dedicated to those who've been withdrawn from the series so that you can catchup on your own pace without the guilt of slowing everyone else down.

I can always schedule a Catchup/Office hours session by request if you were absent for a session/need extra help with a topic.

Jeremy L


Past Sessions

25 Series

PGS The Journeys of A Tutor (6pm EST)

    Ended Thu, Feb 29, 2024
Hello and welcome to The Journeys of a Tutor, brought to you by the wonderful Personal Goal Setting (PGS) tutors of Schoolhouse!

Would you like to learn more math? Open the door to more tutoring opportunities? If so, then I'd like to offer you a way to achieve all of that and more!

We, the tutors of the PGS program, are hosting this event to provide you, fellow learners and tutors, with all the tools and knowledge you will need to certify and tutor others in Algebra 1!

If the prospect of an enhanced future interests you, please do join us as we journey together through the world of Algebra 1!

Class days: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays
Class Times (all are in EST):
6pm (this series) no required knowledge,
8pm (series link) no required knowledge.
Office hours (for any questions you have):
Saturdays at 12pm and 6pm. Thursdays at 2pm

Note: All series will last until all of Algebra 1 has been covered and fully understood. Sessions are updated every 2 weeks following this schedule.

Keda Via I and 2 others

Series ended.

Computer Programming: JavaScript and the Web

    Ended Sun, Jan 14, 2024
We wll be using several languages to cover different aspects of programming, including making digital art, designing websites, making games, and more.

You should have a background in (recommended that you follow these links in each section in order):
quadratic equations & functions
basic trigonometry
complex numbers

trigonometric functions



modeling data distributions


forces & Newton's laws of motion
centripetal force and gravitation
work and energy

impacts and linear momentum
oscillations and mechanical waves

if you wish to continute with the advanced-level programming in chapters 4 and beyond. If most of this stuff is new to you, I recommend at least focusing on just the videos and articles so that you're at least familiar with all these topics by the time we get to chapter 4. Chapter 4 will begin in several months, so hopefully you will have time to have looked at these topics.

Jeremy L

Series ended.

12 Sessions

General · session

Going over Missed Questions on CSP Practice Exam for Sanjay

Session for Sanjay S

Jeremy L

Session ended.

General · session

Going over Missed Questions on CSP Practice Exam for Sanjay

Session for Sanjay S

Jeremy L

Session ended.

Enrichment · session

Live Help

This is a Live Help session to help answer a question in Algebra 2

Jeremy L

Session ended.

Calculus · session

Limits and Continuity AP-style MCQs

We'll go through MCQs for Limits and Continuity as you may see them on the AP exam. The difficulties are completely mixed, from very basic to requiring higher, critical thinking. Nothing too crazy in terms of difficulty, but on the upper end of what you might see on the exam.

Jeremy L

Session ended.

General · session

Safa S - Get ready for rational exponents and radicals

We'll go through prerequisite skills needed for rational exponents and radicals in Algebra II! Session will be guided by Safa's needs first.

Jeremy L

Session ended.

Algebra 1 · session

Safa S - Exponents & radicals review for Algebra II

We'll review exponents and radicals (with a primary focus on radicals) from Algebra I to get ready for rational exponents and radicals.

Session will be guided by learner Safa S.

Jeremy L

Session ended.

Algebra 1 · session

Inequality Graphs: Shading Regions

This session has been specifically curated for JJ K, and all are welcome join!

Jeremy L

Session ended.

Statistics · session

Data Collection for Sarah B

We'll go through the Data Collection chapter of Advanced Placement Statistics!

Jeremy L

Session ended.

Statistics · session

Data Collection for Sarah B

We'll go over Unit 3 of AP Statistics!

Jeremy L

Session ended.

Enrichment · session

Challenging Function Problems

We'll cover 8 questions on functions that really require quite the thinking. If you manage to answer 5 out of 8 of these questions correct, that really demonstrates a proficient understanding in functions. These questions will delve on the following topics: -Domains and ranges of functions (with trigonometric functions & logarithms) -Function composition -Inverse functions (with logarithms)

Jeremy L

Session ended.

General · session

Circles Review

Reviewing circles

Jeremy L

Session ended.

General · session

Circles Review

Reviewing circles

Jeremy L

Session ended. peer tutoring, for free.


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