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Jules P

Joined Oct 2023 · He/Him


I'm a first year University Student, and I have an interest in teaching. My primary studies are in languages, music, and literature. I'd love to help out in any way I can!


Oct 2023 - Present








Countries Reached


Learners Impacted


Sessions Hosted


Tutoring Minutes


Jules doesn't have any certifications yet.


Alina J
Davinder David S
Yashika K
Arya S
Christopher B
Charles J
Pranav E
Azaan H
Alina J
Hyemin K

Upcoming Sessions

French Language Practice

    45th session
We'll go over the foundations and beyond of the French Language through lessons, conversation practice and exercises.

Jules P

2 spots left!

Featured Feedback


Thank you so much for helping me learn French. I loved how you included small jokes while learning to make it a comfortable experience. I also loved how interactive you were and how I got to participate a lot. Au revoir, bonsoir.

Learner · 6 days ago

Thank you so much for the session! You are very helpful, and the best French tutor!

Learner · 1 mo. ago

Thank you so much I enjoyed learning French so much with you and I loved making personal connections to the language.

Learner · 8 days ago

I like how you ask the learner at the beginning what they think their level of French is. This will help you gauge how much you should explain or since this is French, if you should speak French to them. By clarifying if Alina knew basic terms like hello, please, thank you, you also said you could teach more basic stuff if she didn't know that yet. The tutor adapted by advancing what he was teaching slightly by realizing what level the learners were at. Good job on engaging learners by periodically asking questions like "do you know how to say ___" that's really good. It helps engage the learners to make sure they're paying attention and also just make sure that they understand the concept. He makes sure the learners understand if the learners don't know something in French he'll reassure them and simply explain it. This shows the learners progress.

Tutor · 1 mo. ago


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